Tipping Bucket

The Tipping Bucket system is a highly effective, low cost, method of cleaning storm water tanks and attenuation sewer constructions and can be used for cleaning static CSO screens. Storm tanks of size up to 50m can be cleaned using this system. Equipment can be retro fitted into existing structures.



Tipping buckets can be provided with a range of capacities and in lengths from 1 m up to 16 m. The choice of size is dependent upon the width of tank, flushing length, floor gradient and height of bucket above the tank floor.

‘Series 1 Buckets’ of lengths 1m to 6m the bucket are supported at each end with wall mounted pivots.

‘Series 2 Buckets’ are supported by intermediate support mounted from a ceiling or support beam.

Bucket Type Empty Full Empty Full
Type A 75 350 82 350
Type B 100 500 110 500
Type C 150 700 165 700
Type D 175 1050 195 1050
Type E 200 1250 220 1250



Bucket Type Bucket height above tank floor (m) Floor Slope (%)
Maximum washing length (m)
  1  (1:100) 10
2 2  (1:50) 11
5  (1:20) 15
Type A 1  (1:100) 15
3 2  (1:50) 17
5  (1:20) 23
Bucket Volume 1  (1:100) 17
350 litres / m 4 2  (1:50) 21
5  (1:20) 27
1  (1:100) 19
6 2  (1:50) 23
5  (1:20) 29



Bucket Type Bucket height above tank floor (m) Floor Slope (%)
Maximum washing length (m)
  1  (1:100) 15
2 2  (1:50) 18
5  (1:20) 23
Type B 1  (1:100) 20
3 2  (1:50) 25
5  (1:20) 32
Bucket Volume 1  (1:100) 24
500 litres / m 4 2  (1:50) 28
5  (1:20) 36
1  (1:100) 26
6 2  (1:50) 34
5  (1:20) 42



Bucket Type Bucket height above tank floor (m) Floor Slope (%)
Maximum washing length (m)
  1  (1:100) 18
2 2  (1:50) 23
5  (1:20) 28
Type C 1  (1:100) 23
3 2  (1:50) 28
5  (1:20) 35
Bucket Volume 1  (1:100) 25
700 litres / m 4 2  (1:50) 32
5  (1:20) 41
1  (1:100) 28
6 2  (1:50) 36
5  (1:20) 46



Bucket Type Bucket height above tank floor (m) Floor Slope (%)
Maximum washing length (m)
  1  (1:100) 23
2 2  (1:50) 27
5  (1:20) 34
Type D 1  (1:100) 27
3 2  (1:50) 35
5  (1:20) 44
Bucket Volume 1  (1:100) 30
1050 litres / m 4 2  (1:50) 39
5  (1:20) 47
1  (1:100) 32
6 2  (1:50) 44
5  (1:20) 53



Bucket Type Bucket height above tank floor (m) Floor Slope (%)
Maximum washing length (m)
  1  (1:100) 24
2 2  (1:50) 30
5  (1:20) 37
Type E 1  (1:100) 28
3 2  (1:50) 37
5  (1:20) 46
Bucket Volume 1  (1:100) 32
1250 litres / m 4 2  (1:50) 41
5  (1:20) 51
1  (1:100) 34
6 2  (1:50) 44
5  (1:20) 56
pdf Jacopa Tipping Bucket Technical Specification