Jacopa’s highly popular wastewater treatment equipment refurbishment service allows utilities to extend the life of their valuable assets fulfilling a vital need at a time when cost-effective delivery is key and operators are seeking ways to optimise the total expenditure (totex) value of their wastewater treatment equipment.

Refurbishment, rebuilding or upgrading equipment and plant can be far more cost effective than replacement. It can also drive down operational costs and minimise downtime. Refurbishment is also good both for the bottom line and the environment, generating a much smaller carbon footprint than new build with significantly lower costs.

Jacopa can provide an objective assessment of cost and performance benefits of replacement versus refurbishment, rebuilding or upgrading.
Refurbishing and upgrading existing plant enables utilities to quickly increase capacity to cope with population growth, and improve performance to meet tighter legislation. It can allow utilities to gain years of useful operation from existing assets, and delay major spending on constructing new treatment works or adding extra treatment systems to an existing plant.

The Jacopa wastewater treatment equipment refurbishment service involves all departments to ensure asset condition is established, customer requirements determined, and the design, specification and assembly history of the plant or equipment is researched before the ultimate execution of the project.

Our comprehensive service covers both Jacopa’s own industry-leading brands and those of other equipment suppliers to deliver optimum return on expenditure and ensure the productivity of critical assets.