May 14th 2021
Combined Sewer Overflow screens are essential safety features for the sewerage network and a vital part of stormwater management, providing vital screening for stormwater overflows to ensure discharges meet environmental regulations.
It has never been more important to protect our rivers and coastal waters, ensuring clean water for people and wildlife, including marine life. At times, however, this can prove challenging for water companies given that the vast majority of the UK’s sewer network is a combined sewage and storm water system – meaning sewage and rainwater flow in the same pipes. Even without the rainwater, much of the sewer network operates close to capacity.
During intense storms, periods of prolonged heavy rain or when pumping stations fail because of a power outage or other reason, the volume of surface water exceeds the capacity of the sewer pipes. Sewage then backs up swiftly, defeating the practicable response time of the system and the Combined Sewer Overflows funnel the excess wastewater into the environment. Whilst this will result in some pollution, it can be preferable to flooding homes, shops and work places.
As a leading expert in wastewater treatment and systems, Jacopa offers a full solutions for clients facing the challenges of Combined Sewer Overflows by providing a range of advanced and innovative CSO screens, designed to retain sewage debris and other bulk solids within the sewer prior to discharge. With a wide range of screens, including powered and non-powered, self-cleaning and simple static screens, there are options to suit most applications including complex configurations and high volume frequent spill CSOs. Offering sediment retention solutions, these CSO screens provide effective and economic ways to reduce the amount of sewage solids and debris discharged into the environment by the CSOs.
Jacopa’s experienced team is able to advise on the best screen for a site, taking the capture requirements, all hydraulic conditions and the structure of the Combined Sewer Overflow into account. One of the most popular CSO screens is the Raked Bar Screen which is able to retain screenings in the foul sewer for transportation to treatment. The Raked Bar Screen is ideally suited to both new and existing CSO chambers where high frequency spills can be expected.
CSOs are – and will continue to be – fundamental to water companies’ stormwater responses but many existing screens have been in service for up to, and some being over, 20 years and are likely to require servicing or replacing. The experienced team and comprehensive product range at Jacopa is well equipped to carry out the work.
Press Enquiries
Julian Wilson – DBA Corporate Communications
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