Jacopa® Screw Compactor

The Jacopa® screw compactor incorporates the original Jones+Attwood technology that has a proven record of reliability and robustness. This design incorporates a 9mm thick drainage trough for ruggedness and 6mm tapered holes for improved drainage– built with lowering life cycle costs in mind.

Available in 5 standard sizes.

Incorporating the original Jones + Attwood™ features for unrivalled reliability and robustness, the Jacopa™ screw compactor has been innovatively designed to meet today’s growing preference for simple, low maintenance equipment. A suitable retrofit for most OEM screening compactors, the Jacopa™ screw compactor features 6mm tapered holes for improved drainage which enables it to receive feed directly from screens, conveyors and the higher water volume launder flow from installations that previously required screenings to be washed. Designed with 9mm thick, mild steel, drainage trough for extra ruggedness, the Jacopa™ screw compactor retains the original thick mild steel of its predecessor (first developed in 1986 by Jones + Attwood™) and is suitable for dewatering and compacting screenings from inlet works or sludge screens.

The standard screw compactor incorporates a large flanged inlet opening allowing greater onsite flexibility to accommodate site feed conditions including launder flows.  The inlet hopper can be designed to fit existing installations and 6mm tapered holes allow flows to easily pass through the trough and have a greater resistance to blinding. The plant is available in a range of sizes from 150mm to 500mm diameter, the largest machine can process up to 9.5m3/hour of screenings.

For some utilities, there is a growing preference to reuse the screenings, unwashed for composting – the high organically loaded screenings encourage the composting process and subsequent conversion of waste to energy. The new screw compactor has been designed to receive (higher water volume) launder flow from types of installations making it a suitable retrofit for most OEM screening compactors. Our standard screw compactor is supplied without a washing system; however, optional jet washing can be fitted if required, to reduce the organic loading of the plug.

Where TOTEX* is a key driver (i.e. low maintenance, robust operation, requiring minimal replacement parts) and where washing is not a prerequisite, the Jacopa™ screw compactor is a proven, reliable option.


Models 150, 200, 300, 400, 500
Screening Loading 0.5, 1.25, 3.0, 6.0, 9.5
Launder flow upto (l/s) 1.5, 3.0, 5.0, 6.5, 8.0
Material Mild Steel Standard
pdf Jacopa® Screw Compactor Technical Specification